We provide guaranteed or paid repair services for local and global manufacturers through our partnerships with distributors. You can get reliable repair services in all 81 provinces of the brands we have agreement with.
Technical Services Repair Services
Periodic Maintenance Services
Hardware and Software Maintenance Services
Help Desk (Phone, Email, Web)
Onsite Maintenance Services
We provide guaranteed or paid repair services for local and global manufacturers through our partnerships with distributors. You can get reliable repair services in all 81 provinces of the brands we have agreement with.

Technical Services Repair Services
We offer integrated warranty or paid repair services for both local and global manufacturers through distributors. You can have guaranteed repair services in 81 provinces, in accordance with the procedures of the brands we have agreements with. Our services are designed to align with the procedures set by our partnered brands, ensuring comprehensive and reliable repair services across all 81 provinces.
Prime conducts repair services through its 7 regional TSE-certified repair centers and 23 regional offices.
With a robust spare parts inventory and brand-independent repair services. Prime provides extensive service coverage.
Periodic Maintenance Services
You can have preventive maintenance services for all your inventory and infrastructure products. Prime offers brand-independent, modular maintenance for infrastructure, UPS, data center, HVAC, fire suppression, electrical panels, air conditioning and other systems.
Hardware and Software Maintenance Services
Hardware and Software Maintenance Services
You can manage your organization’s IT inventory, hardware maintenance, and onsite services such as updates and upgrades across all regions with Prime.
With a robust service network and SLA discipline, Prime is your technology strength in the field.
Help Desk (Phone, Email, Web)
With a powerful management system and a 24/7 support infrastructure, we can handle all your calls in a modular fashion.